High pressure multistage blower

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Name of enterprise: Jiangsu Laisen environmental protection equipment Co., Ltd.

Tel: 0513-88619286

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Mailbox: 619920366@qq.com

Website: www.jslshb.com/cn

Address: Zhang Dui, Ya Zhou Town, Haian County, Jiangsu Province

WuhanFrequency conversion starting cabinet for fan

WuhanFrequency conversion starting cabinet for fan

  • Classification:WuhanPower distribution cabinet and control cabinet system for fans (low voltage)

  • Clicks:
  • Release date:2018/09/20
  • 在线询价
Detailed introduction

This website:http://www.jslshb.com/en/product/563.html

Key word:蜗形脱水机,高效多级鼓风机,高压多级鼓风机

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